7 Divorce Strategies You Didn't Anticipate 

The underhanded tactics that may arise during divorce

The distinction between love and hate can be subtle.  

This statement holds especially true during divorce, where the end of a marriage can result in intense emotions and self-centered behavior. Divorce can impact your finances, relationships, and overall mental and emotional health. Despite not wanting to acknowledge that your spouse may
engage in malicious behavior, it is important to remain cautious and safeguard yourself and your family.  

broken image

Be aware of these seven underhanded tactics that may arise during divorce. 

1. Delaying divorce on purpose 

"Stall and Delay" is a strategy in divorce that aims to extend the process as long as possible. The motive behind this tactic is either to gain an advantage through time or to exhaust the other
party and make them concede to their demands to avoid further legal expenses. Examples of stall and delay tactics include the slow signing of documents, refusal to negotiate, and repeatedly taking minor issues to court.  

If you're facing such a situation, it's recommended to consult a divorce attorney to find a resolution. 

2. Attempting to force a rapid agreement 

Conversely, some individuals may attempt to rush the divorce process. This is usually done when they have something to hide, such as concealed assets or income. The pushy party may also try to take advantage of the situation by creating a false sense of urgency or rushing to create confusion to secure a favorable outcome for themselves.  

To protect your interests, a divorce lawyer must review any documents before you sign them. 

3. Disguising income and assets 

In states with no-fault divorce laws, like Florida, assets and wealth acquired during the marriage are usually divided equally during divorce proceedings. This can result in underhanded actions
aimed at concealing assets and money. 

  • Shifting the ownership of money or assets to a relative's name to conceal it during the divorce process 
  • Secreting valuable possessions in undisclosed locations, such as a safety deposit box, to prevent them from being revealed during divorce 
  • Misrepresenting one's income or assets 
  • Conducting substantial transactions under another person's name 
  • Inventing or falsifying costs or obligations 

Determining whether assets or income are concealed during a divorce can be challenging. A divorce lawyer can assist by investigating your spouse's financial situation and searching for unusual spending patterns. 

4. Increasing visits to reduce child support 

When kids are a part of divorce proceedings, negotiations around child custody and time-sharing can become complicated due to child support orders that follow. Sometimes, parents will ask for more time with their children to reduce the amount they have to pay in child support. This often results in the kids being passed off to family members instead of spending more time with their parents.  

It's essential to inform your family law attorney of your concerns so that they can take all necessary steps to ensure your children's best interests are protected. 

5. Falsifying allegations 

When one spouse is unhappy with the outcome of custody proceedings or fears they may not win, they sometimes resort to making false accusations in an attempt to tarnish the other parent's reputation in the eyes of the court and increase their chances of gaining full custody or limiting the other parent's visitations rights.  

Common false allegations include: 

  • Abusive or neglectful parenting 
  • Toxic relationships at home 
  • Crime and deviant actions 
  • Substance abuse or alcoholism 
  • Consenting to a custody agreement against the court's wishes 

It is important to communicate fully with your lawyer if false allegations are made against you during a divorce or custody battle, so they can provide appropriate guidance and representation. 

6. Putting up barriers to discussion or bargaining 

Refusing to participate in negotiations or even communicating can prolong divorce proceedings and cause a lot of frustration. This tactic is used to exhaust you and is similar to tactics used
to delay or rush the process.  

This can be costly, but your attorney can use legal means to show your ex's lack of communication and push the proceedings forward in your favor. Usually, when the other party realizes what they stand to lose by not cooperating, they will start to participate in the

7. Taking the children away from the other parent. 

A harmful and damaging strategy often employed n divorce cases is manipulating children into opposing the other spouse or limiting their time with them. The intention behind this tactic is twofold: 

  1. To demonstrate to the court that they dedicate more time to their children making them the superior option for primary custody, some parents may try to prove that they spend more time with their kids than the other parent. 
  2. To attempt to sway older children to prefer living primarily with one parent instead of the other through manipulation. 

Your divorce attorney in Nassau can represent you if your children are being prevented from seeing you. They may also be able to present a negative image of the offending spouse to the court. 

Brutal divorce tactics that are tempting (but can backfire) 

It's understandable to consider using under handed tactics during a divorce, especially if your ex has already resorted to such measures. However, these common and extreme strategies can
result in retaliation from the other party or penalties from the court, leading to a prolonged and challenging legal battle. Furthermore, some actions may have legal consequences or negatively impact your image in court proceedings.  

Therefore, it's wise to steer clear of these harmful divorce tactics that have a high risk of backfiring. 

• Revocation of credit cards 

• Decluttering the home or financial accounts 

• Leaving the city with the kids 

• putting the ex's employment at risk 

Questions & Answers on Underhanded DivorceStrategies 

If you are divorced, what can be used against you? 

Expect every strategy to be used against you by your ex in the divorce court. Some items that can severely weaken your argument in court are listed below. 

  • Splurging during times of emotional distance 
  • Financial misrepresentation 
  • Orders prohibiting contact 
  • Online engagement via social media 
  • Criminally implicating details revealed via electronic messages 
  • Unhealthy romantic relationships have a detrimental effect on kids 

Is there a healthy way to get a divorce? 

It may be tempting to counter unethical tactics used by your ex in divorce court with your own underhanded methods. However, having the support of a knowledgeable attorney can help you navigate a complicated divorce through legal means that safeguard your interests and help
you achieve what you are entitled to. 

Final thoughts on underhanded divorce tactics 

Divorce can be complicated and emotionally draining. However, having a divorce lawyer to guide you through the complexities of family law, counteract deceptive tactics, and safeguard your rights can help alleviate the stress of the proceedings.